Virtual Slide List



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This collection was originally compiled by Kent Christensen, Ph.D., J. Matthew Velkey, Ph.D., Lloyd M. Stoolman, M.D., Laura Hessler, and Diedra Mosley-Brower. Currently, it is curated by Michael Hortsch, Ph.D. If you have questions or comments regarding the University of Michigan virtual slide collection, please contact Dr. Hortsch at hortsch at

Virtual Slide List for Histology Course

Search Description
Digestive System 1: Oral Cavity and Salivary Glands
Tongue, rabbit, H&E, 40X (circumvallate papilla)
Tooth and gingiva, Masson trichrome stain, 20X (crown, root, dentin, pulp cavity, cementum, periodontal membrane, alveolar bone, gingiva [=gum]).
Tooth and gingiva, PAS stain, 20X (crown, root, dentin, pulp cavity, cementum, periodontal membrane, alveolar bone [=gum]).
Tooth, pig, H&E, 40X
Parotid gland, H&E, 40X (acini, centroacinar cells, fat cells, striated ducts, intercalated ducts, interlobular ducts).
Parotid gland, H&E, 40X (acini, centroacinar cells, fat cells, striated ducts, intercalated ducts, interlobular ducts).
Submandibular gland, H&E, 40X (serous acini, mucous acini, striated ducts, intercalated ducts).
Submandibular gland, mucicarmine stain [stains mucins red], 20X (serous acini, mucous acini, striated ducts, intercalated ducts).
Submandibular gland, H&E, 20X (serous acini, mucous acini, striated ducts, intercalated ducts).
Submandibular gland, H&E, 40X (serous acini, mucous acini, striated ducts, intercalated ducts).
Sublingual gland, mucicarmine stain, 20X (mucous acini, serous acini, striated ducts, intercalated ducts, interlobular ducts).
Sublingual gland, H&E, 40X (mucous acini, serous acini, striated ducts, intercalated ducts, interlobular ducts).
Parotid gland, H&E, 40X
Digestive System 2: Pharynx, Esophagus, Stomach
Trachea & esophagus, cross section, H&E, 40X
Oral pharynx, H&E, 40X (stratified squamous non keratinized epithelium, lamina propria, elastic fibers, muscularis, mucous glands).
Oral pharynx, Masson trichrome stain, 40X (stratified squamous non keratinized epithelium, lamina propria, elastic fibers, muscularis, mucous glands).
Esophagus, H&E, 20X (stratified squamous non keratinized epithelium, lamina propria, muscularis mucosae, submucosa, submucosal mucous glands, muscularis externa [all smooth muscle], myenteric [or Auerbach's] plexus).
Esophagus and stomach, H&E, 40X (ESOPHAGUS [at right]: epithelium, lamina propria, muscularis mucosae, submucosa, muscularis externa [all smooth muscle], myenteric [or Auerbach's] plexus; CARDIAC STOMACH [next to esophagus]: pits, pyloric glands, muscularis mucosae; FUNDIC STOMACH [at left]: pits, glands, mucous cells, parietal cells [acid], chief cells [pepsinogen], muscularis mucosae, submucosa, muscularis).
Stomach, H&E, 20X ( pits, glands, mucous cells, parietal cells [acid], chief cells [pepsinogen], muscularis mucosae, submucosa, muscularis).
Stomach, H&E, 40X ( pits, glands, mucous cells, parietal cells [acid], chief cells [pepsinogen], muscularis mucosae, submucosa, muscularis).
Stomach, H&E, 20X ( pits, glands, mucous cells, parietal cells [acid], chief cells [pepsinogen], muscularis mucosae, submucosa, muscularis).
Stomach, H&E, 40X ( pits, glands, mucous cells, parietal cells [acid], chief cells [pepsinogen], muscularis mucosae, submucosa, muscularis).
Gastro-esophageal junction, PAS & Azure Blue stain, 40X
Pyloric stomach [at left], duodenum of small intestine [at right], H&E, 20X (pyloric pits and glands).
Pyloric stomach [at left], duodenum of small intestine [at right], H&E, 40X.
Digestive System 3: Small and Large Intestine
Small intestine, H&E, 40X
Pylorus, duodenum, pancreas, H&E, 40X
Small intestine, duodenum [right side of section], H&E, 40X (villi very poorly preserved, glands [crypts of Lieberkühn], muscularis mucosae, submucosal glands).
Ileum, PAS stain, 40X
Small intestine, jejunum or ileum, H&E, 40X (plicae, villi, epithelium, goblet cells, lamina propria, intestinal glands [crypts of Lieberkühn], Paneth cells, muscularis mucosae, submucosa, muscularis externa, myenteric plexus), serosa).
Small intestine, jejunum or ileum, H&E, 40X (plicae, villi, epithelium, goblet cells, lamina propria, intestinal glands [crypts of Lieberkühn], Paneth cells, muscularis mucosae, submucosa, muscularis externa, myenteric plexus), serosa).
Small intestine, ileum, H&E, 20X (contains nice Paneth cells).
Small intestine, ileum, H&E, 40X.
Small intestine, H&E, blood vessels injected with dye, 20X (observe small blood vessel distribution in villi and elsewhere).
Appendix, H&E, 40X (mucosa as in colon, prominent lymphoid nodules in submucosa).
Large intestine (colon), H&E, 40X (straight glands [crypts of Lieberkühn], no villi, simple columnar epithelium, goblet cells, lamina propria, muscularis mucosae, submucosa, muscularis externa, taenia coli).
Recto-anal junction, monkey, H&E, 40X
Rectoanal junction [anal canal at right], Masson trichrome, 20X (RECTUM: simple columnar epithelium in glands. ANAL CANAL: initially stratified columnar/cuboidal, then stratified squamous epithelium first non keratinized and then keratinized [thin skin, note hair follicles, sebaceous glands], no muscularis mucosae, veins, anal sphincter).
Recto anal junction [rectum at far right], H&E, 20X (RECTUM: simple columnar epithelium in glands. ANAL CANAL: initially stratified columnar/cuboidal, then stratified squamous epithelium first non keratinized and then keratinized [thin skin], no muscularis mucosae, veins, anal sphincter).
UCSF 246
Jejunum, human, H&E stain, 40X
UCSF 247
Jejunum, human, H&E and silver stain, 40X
Digestive System 4: Liver and Pancreas
Liver, H&E, 40X (central vein, portal triad [portal vein, bile duct, hepatic artery], hepatocyte, sinus, endothelium, Kupffer cell, space of Disse, liver lobule).
Pancreas, H&E, 20X (exocrine pancreas, lobule, acini, centroacinar cell, intercalated duct, endocrine pancreas [islets of Langerhans]).
Pancreas, H&E, 40X
Pancreas, vascular injection, 40X (vascular pattern, high vascularity of islets).
Pancreas, chrome alum hematoxylin and phloxine stain, differential staining of cells in islets of Langerhans, 40X (in an islet note that alpha cells [glucagon] have reddish cytoplasm, and beta cells [insulin] have pale blue green cytoplasm; delta cells [somatostatin] can't be distinguished).
Liver and gall bladder, H&E, 40X (LIVER: central vein, portal triad [portal vein, bile duct, hepatic artery], hepatocyte, sinus, endothelium, Kupffer cell, space of Disse, liver lobule. GALL BLADDER: epithelium, lamina propria, muscularis).
Liver and gall bladder, Masson trichrome, 40X (LIVER: distribution of collagen. GALL BLADDER: epithelium, lamina propria, muscularis ).
Liver and gall bladder, Masson stain, 40X
Liver, 40X, stained with silver to show the collagen III reticular fibers in the space of Disse
